一包滿滿台灣風味的禮物! 隨時、隨地享用被陽光滋養的香甜果乾!
Combination of light and heat, weaving of vision and sapor, thus interpret the infinity of fruits.
A gift of Taiwanese flavor. Savour the sunny taste anytime, anywhere.
Taiwan Natural Dried Fruit
- Sunnygogo
|國際相關認證 International Certification
✶ 2019 世界食品品質評鑑大賞 Monde Selection金質獎
✶ 2018 亞太無添加美食獎 A.A Taste Awards 評選最高榮譽三顆星
✶ 第55屆金馬獎指定貴賓禮品
|銷售通路與合作品牌 Distribution channel & Co-branding